The business principle

The forest is the principle of our business. By making the sustainable management of more than 3,000 hectares of pine forests, we obtain the basic raw materials of our company. The Pinus Brasil Group invests heavily in improving Pinus in order to maximize results. From its nursery it develops new varieties of pine producing more than 100,000 seedlings that will guarantee the cycle of its forests

Who makes it happen

Pinus Brasil, through its greatest assets, its more than 600 employees , is proud to participate in people’s daily lives, bringing everyone high quality products and genuinely obtained from renewable sources.

From Brasil to the world

The numbers represent results of the maximum dedication of its employees, of total respect for the environment and recognized quality of Pinus Brasil’s products.

More of


Production of


More of

Forest hectares

Export to

+ from 0


We want to be a company with differentiated profitability, obtained through the efficient management of our business and that works in accordance with the laws that govern the country.


To be recognized as a leader in sustainable products focused on innovation and excellence of its products and services.


Our story


Strategic entry into the base gum production segment for chewing gum.


Construction of the gum rosin derivatives unit, with a projected capacity of 20,000 t of derivatives per year.


Construction of the Gum Rosin and Turpentine factory with capacity for processing of 36,000t of gum rosin per year, one of the largest processing units in the country.


Start of operation of RF Madeiras, the Group's unit for the processing of pine wood for the furniture, packaging and renewable energy (chips) segments.


Creation of Pinus Brasil Agroflorestal Ltda, which later became the holding company of Grupo Pinus Brasil.


Construction of the nursery and start of production and genetic improvement of pine seedlings, which guarantees the improvement of the group's forest area. Currently the group produces about 80,000 pine seedlings per month, which guarantees its self-sufficiency in replanting.


Mr Henrique Fernandes acquires Fazenda Pedra Maria, in the municipality of Buri - State of São Paulo, where today the headquarters of the Pinus Brasil group is located.


Mr. Henrique Souza Fernandes, son of a family of Portuguese origin in the wood business, he began his activities in the pine segment in the transport of wood.