Learn about our social actions
Social responsibility is in our culture.
Over the years, we have taken on many initiatives to support our employees, the residents of the communities in which we operate, and society in general.

Our employees
Employees are important to our success. That is why we allocate resources to the implementation of safety programs. We invest in professional training and create incentives to promote a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment.
Community Vegetable Garden
Through a strategic partnership with Associação dos Voluntários no Combate ao Câncer de Buri – AVCCB (Association of Volunteers in the Fight Against Cancer of Buri), in the municipality of Buri, state of São Paulo, we have implemented a community vegetable garden. The goal is to promote food safety and nutritional education, to provide therapeutic activities for the patients and their families who are assisted by the organization, and to contribute to the physical and emotional well-being of everyone.
A Seed is Born
The project A Seed Is Born was created in 2020 and has welcomed more than 25 families. The idea is to celebrate the birth of a life. Grupo Pinus Brasil presents the mother or father with a basket containing personal hygiene and basic care items. The project is managed by the company’s Health and Safety department.
Health and Prevention
In 2020, Grupo Pinus Brasil signed a partnership with Associação dos Voluntários no Combate ao Câncer de Buri – AVCCB (Association of Volunteers in the Fight Against Cancer of Buri). The initiative aims to create educational campaigns to prevent cancer, such as “Outubro Rosa” (Pink October), related to breast cancer; and “Novembro Azul” (Blue November), aimed at actions to raise awareness of prostate cancer.

The community
The communities where we operate represent the majority of our workforce. Helping the region means helping the families of our employees. That is why we promote collective socio-economic development through many initiatives.
Human Resources
We always prioritize hiring people who live in the regions where we operate. 95% of our workforce lives in our vicinity. This promotes a complete integration between the company and the communities, generating job opportunities, income and, consequently, boosting the economy of the municipalities.
Partnership wjth Universities
We have an agreement with Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo – FATEC (São Paulo State College of Technology). The goal is to create job opportunities within Grupo Pinus Brasil for agribusiness graduates. We also have a partnership with Universidade Estadual Paulista – Unesp (São Paulo State University), in Botucatu, state of São Paulo, which allows students to visit our facilities, from the tree nursery to the production process.
The business model of Grupo Pinus Brasil is based on transparent and ethical corporate governance. We adopt management practices with an emphasis on integrity, compliance, and accountability. Transparency in the disclosure of financial information and respect for shareholders’ rights are non-negotiable principles to ensure stakeholder trust and long-term sustainability.