Development and conservation
At Grupo Pinus Brasil, no process is added to the routine without first thoroughly assessing its environmental impact. We always work with a focus on development and conservation.
Our goal is to be recognized for excellence in forest management and environmental protection. Without leaving aside the development of the communities in which we operate and the economic viability of operations. We are fully committed to efficiency, from choosing the seed to industrializing the raw material.

Tree Nursery
The work begins long before the products reach the homes of millions of people in more than 40 countries. Everything starts in our nurseries, where seedlings are grown and then sent to be planted in our forests. We accompany the tree through all its stages of growth. When it reaches maturity, it is ready for resin tapping. This is when resin is extracted from the tree by inserting grooves in its trunk.
Silviculture is the science that studies the best use of forests. This involves many processes, such as clearing the area where the forest will be planted, combating ants that can harm the crop, subsoiling areas that can be mechanized in order to speed up the production stages, planting and replanting.
Forestry Research
Forest research aims to select the best seedling varieties for each type of soil. It is a stage that can involve the genetic improvement of the plants. This can lead to increased productivity and improved quality of the pine resin. Our forest research program includes controlled crossbreeding, hybridization, and simulations for progeny and provenance. All of this is done to provide the market with the best supplies at all times.

Multipurpose Forests
Once the resin tapping period is over, we harvest the trees and take them to the sawmill. There, they either become wood products or generate energy to keep our factories running. This completes the production cycle, where we use 100% of the raw materials that come from reforestation.
Forest management
With forest management, Grupo Pinus Brasil ensures that all environmental precautions are taken, while at the same time guaranteeing the viability of the production operation. Forest management activities include thinning and pruning. In thinning, our professionals open up paths for resin removal, eliminating obstacles. In pruning, the team cuts away the branches of the trees to ensure that the wood is clean and free of knots.
Partnerships with Producers
In addition to our own farms, we work in partnership with many rural producers. We lease forests and take responsibility for their management. This includes planting, resin extraction and logging. We also buy raw materials from many independent suppliers, encouraging production and generating income for hundreds of families.
Resin Tapping
Resin tapping is the process of extracting resin from trees. See how this fundamental step in the production process is carried out at Grupo Pinus Brasil.